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Chinese translation for "quotation marks"


Related Translations:
quotation:  n.1.引用,引证;引用语,语录 (from)。2.【商业】行市,行情,时价;行市表;估价单。3.【印刷】(填空白的)空铅,嵌块。4.=quotation mark.
quotation mark:  〔pl.〕引用号,引号〔即“”或‘’〕。
exchange quotations:  外汇行情。
forced quotations:  【商业】限价。
forward quotation:  【商业】期货报价。
closing quotations:  收盘市价。
Example Sentences:
1.Variable must be enclosed in quotation marks
变量的任何文本必须括在引号( " )中。
2.Displays the string inside the double quotation marks
显示双引号( " )内的字符串。
3.To place quotation marks in a string in your code
4.Must be delimited by brackets or quotation marks
5.Variable , the text must be enclosed in quotation marks
6.Proper use of quotation marks around attribute values
7.The string must be enclosed in single quotation marks
字符串必须以单引号( )引起。
8.Become one quotation mark in the string
9.Contains one or more single quotation mark characters
10.Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase
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